Nancy Smithman photo by April Kroenke

As a photographer, Nancy tells stories through her images, preserving both the dramatic and ethereal details.

Her lens takes you to faraway places like Burkina Faso and Nicaragua, while reminding you that sometimes the greatest story lives on a dead end road off the Oregon coast. She is inspired by the raw beauty of the world, seeking both the under appreciated and the striking elements of place and culture. Nancy’s presence–her ability to see the world and her experiences as they are–allows the heart of each moment in her photographs.

Our world in motion… life in motion… ever evolving. Where will my lens take me next?
— Nancy Smithman


  • Member Professional Photographers of America (PPA)

  • Certified Professional Photographer – PPA

  • Master of Photography Degree – PPA

  • Numerous awards from International Photographers Competition of PPA

  • Member American Society of Photographers (ASP)

  • Member Oregon Professional Photographers Association (OPPA)

  • Numerous awards from Portland Metropolitan Photographers Association (PMPA) and OPPA


I met Nancy a few years ago when she attended one of my Lightroom classes. It was clear then that she has a real eye for seeing the world around her. It has been a pleasure to witness the growth of Nancy’s photographic skills and see them match her innate artistic abilities
— Mark Fitzgerald, M. Photog. FP
I’m a big fan of Nancy’s photography. I have 5 photographs displayed in my office. Great photographer and wonderful person. You will love her photography. Check her website out!
— Troy Portash, Dentist